17 Best Protein for Vegetarians: A Comprehensive Guide

by Admin
11 minutes

When people ask you to think about protein rich foods, for sure the first thing that comes to mind would be that seared slab steak in your favorite restaurant. But not all people love meat and you might have been misled all your lives thinking that protein immediately equates to meat.

Ever heard of vegan or vegetarian diet? Most probably. And if you are someone who thinks that life is boring without meat where you get your protein, this post will make you think again. But if you are a vegan, this is an article we are sure you’ll enjoy.

In this blog, we will introduce you to some plants that are more protein-packed than how you imagine them to be. You will also find here some recommendations on all-organic, plant-based protein products which you can check.

Top Ten Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians

Here are certain plant foods which significantly contain more protein than meat products and other plants. Generally, they are very helpful in promoting muscle strength and weight loss.

If you’ve never heard of seitan, you will find it in the refrigerated section of most health food stores. It is famous for vegetarians because of all protein-rich plant products, seitan looks like meat. It even feels like meat because of its meat-like texture.

It is made of wheat gluten. It is rich with selenium and contains small amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorous. The best part? It is a versatile ingredient; it can be grilled, sautéed and pan-grilled whichever you like.

The common denominator among the three is that they are all byproducts of soybean. Soybean is known as a whole source of protein containing all the amino acids needed by the body.

Tofu is made of bean curds while tempeh is made of slightly cooked and fermented mature soybeans. Edamame on the other hand are made of boiled immature soybeans best for soups. Regardless of how they are differently made, all three iron, calcium and protein. They are also rich in probiotics, folate, Vitamin B, K and fiber. They can be used as ingredients for various yummy dishes.

If you are into salads, warm soup or just needs a spice for your dishes, lentils are here for you. A single cup of lentils supply you with 50% of the required everyday dosage of fiber and contains a good amount of slowly digested carbs viable for weight loss.

Lentils are not just satisfying; they are also rich in probiotics which helps reduce risks of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

Whether you are thinking of cheakpeas, kidney beans, black beans and others, beans are protein-packed legumes containing a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Put it in your burritos, serve it sautéed with chili or as it is, beans complex carbs, iron, folate, potassium and phosphorus. Beans are just awesome plant compounds you cannot miss.

These protein-rich plants may be unheard among most people but they are widely written in historical texts. These ancient grains are good as substitutes to common grains like rice and wheat. They are used in pastries as well as many dishes like polenta and risotto.

Although spelt is made of wheat and gluten while teff is gluten-free, both are excellent sources of iron, fiber, protein and the right amount of carbs.

It may be an algae but spirulina surely is a nutritional powerhouse. Aside from filling your everyday iron needs, it is also rich in thiamin which is good in improving your memory. It also contains essential fatty acids, potassium and a very powerful anti-oxidant known as phycocyanin.

Aside from these, spirulina powders and capsules are linked to reduced blood pressure and stronger immune system.

Quinoa is like cereal but they don’t grow from grasses. That is the reason why they are known as pseudo-cereals. They are super versatile. They can be used as substitute to rice or to flour for your baked goods.


They are a complete source of protein as well as carbs, iron and fiber. With quinoa, you will no longer fear guilty of eating too much carbs.

Oatmeal and oatmeal cookies definitely are delicious ways to incorporate plant protein in your body. Oats are not only the gems behind these comfort foods but they are also contain fiber, folate, zinc and phosphorous.

Oats are really compatible to vegan protein diet because you can use them as substitute for flour. They can also be used as ingredients to veggie burgers and other savory dishes. Oats are not only healthy buy extremely delicious.

Chia seeds may taste bland because they absorb water fast but they are a versatile source of protein. They are easy additions to a variety of dishes including baked goods like pudding.

Aside from the versatility, you also enjoy nutritious goodness with chia seeds as they are good sources of iron, selenium and calcium.

Hemp seeds may make you raise an eyebrow because of the hemp part but it actually gives you unimaginable health benefits. It is known for its richness in omega 6 and 3 fatty acids as well as the nine amino acids that the body cannot produce.

Sprinkling it into salads, blending it as smoothies or using it as alternative ingredients to baked products, hemp seeds help in reducing inflammation, symptoms of PMS and menopause as well as in nourishing skin, hair and nails.

Honorable Mentions

Here are other protein rich plants that should be mentioned in this post because of their richness in fiber, iron, amino acids, phosphorous and other essential minerals and vitamins. These are:

Vegan or not, what products plant-based protein products can you try?

There are various plant-based protein products out there. Choosing the best can be tiresome and may require a huge deal of time researching for what it is and what it is not. To help you in narrowing down your choice, we recommend that you check these hemp seed products of Natera by VitActivate.

You can choose from raw hemp seeds, toasted, flavored and powdered.

Natera Hemp Protein 369 (Chocolate Banana) Pros: Natera Hemp Protein 369 (Dark Chocolate) Pros: Natera Hemp Protein Blackberry and Pomegranate Pros: Natera Hemp Protein 369 (Vanilla Caramel) Pros:

  • Enriched with an exciting vanilla and caramel combination.
  • Packed with omega fatty acids.
  • Improves digestion and cardiovascular health.
  • Fuels the body with energy and boosts immune system.
  • Has a balanced dose of sugar and fiber.
  • 100% made from natural ingredients.

Natera Organic Hemp Protein Powder Pros:

  • Plant-based source of complete proteins.
  • Has the proper amount of fiber and protein which aids weight loss.
  • Fortifies the bones.
  • Helps in improving cardiovascular and digestive health.
  • Complements well with baked products and refreshing drinks.
  • 100% organic with no artificial sweeteners.

Organic Hemp Protein Plus Fiber Pros: Natera Organic Hemp Seed Hearts Pros: Concluding Notes

Do not think that just because these are plant-based proteins would mean that they are only good for vegetarians. Vegan and non-vegans alike can enjoy the nutritional goodness of these plants and products.

We get it. You might these are all mind-blowing at first because plants may not be that exciting to eat for most people. But to be honest, plants are very much taken for granted and this may be the proper time to get to know them in a renewed, health perspective.

The most important thing that should be noted is that, plants are organic. They do not contain harmful chemicals that will betray you in the long run. They are versatile to use and they bring nothing but health benefits.

Do not settle on the imagination that plants are just the green things you see outside. Imagine plants in your food, in your drinks. Most importantly, imagine them working inside your body, giving you the essential vitamins and minerals you need to get going with the demands of everyday life.

Start with your plant-based protein now and see the remarkable difference they can give to your health.

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Originally published at https://www.vitactivate.com on December 24, 2019.