How LED Light Therapy Can Help Relieve Arthritis

by Admin
8 minutes

Can Light Therapy Relieve Arthritis?

Arthritis is an illness which causes discomfort eventually affecting the 
day-to day activities of an individual. What we’re offering here is a better form of treatment to relieve the pain associated with arthritis. But first, here are a few commonly asked questions regarding arthritis:

What is arthritis and what causes it?

Arthritis is a pretty common illness affecting one’s joints. It causes much discomfort and pain to the person experiencing it. Based from a research by Arthritis Research UK, there are no specific findings to what causes arthritis. However, there are two factors that can contribute to having this illness: genetics and/or lifestyle.

Can arthritis be cured?

Since there is no direct cause for arthritis, a direct cure has not yet been developed. However, there are a lot of choices for the relief of the pain caused by arthritis. It is suggested to have a visit to your doctor first in order to determine the most suited treatment for your case.

At present, the most common treatment for arthritis is through the use of a regular electric heating pad. This method works in easing pain but it is only a short term treatment.

Regular heating pads only work on the surface and thus, a treatment method allowing heat to penetrate the joints and muscles is needed. Another limitation of regular heating pads is its potential to burn your skin.

With that, a better form of treatment is through the use of infrared waves such as the LED Light Therapy.

Can’t wait to see how this LED Light therapy device works?

Click Here to Check Out DPL Light Therapy Home Device

The LED Light Therapy

Without the need for instruments to physically enter your body, the LED Light Therapy can provide relief to the discomfort brought by arthritis. While undergoing the treatment, you can still perform other light activities such as catching up on your favorite television series or reading your books.

It is recommend to just resting though for full treatment. Red, infrared, and amber lights aid in relaxing and healing of the joints and muscles affected by arthritis in just 20 minutes on average. Ideally, the treatment can last within the 5 to 30 minute range depending on the gravity of the pain caused by arthritis.

You may be wondering if there are any research studies proving the effectiveness of the LED Light Therapy treatment. In fact, studies have shown that infrared light therapy (also called Low Level Laser Therapy) is more effective in easing discomfort than pain relievers.

In a study by Michael Hamblin in 2013, Light Therapy contributed to the significant reduction of pain caused by arthritis within 24 hours. Another study by Lehman et al in 1990 showed that infrared light therapy relieves pain from arthritis by making the tissues more flexible allowing the joints to move normally. Aside from these, other studies have been conducted which you can view online.

Side Effects and Risks from LED Light Therapy

With the use of light waves in the treatment, you may be thinking that this treatment involves a lot of risks and side effects. However, we’re glad to let you know that the National Institute of Health stated that infrared light therapy only involves minimal, impermanent, or practically no risks at all.

Just to be safe, though, those who are currently pregnant or nursing are recommended to consult with their doctor first before using this treatment method.

LED Light Therapy Costs and Options

Since this is a treatment method involving technology, you may also be thinking that this is expensive. We’d like to inform you that you can purchase your own infrared machine for use in your own home. Gone are the days where you need to visit a hospital or medical center for your treatment. In addition, these devices are pretty straightforward to use.

With respect to cost, here are the most efficient and effective options:

  1. An infrared hand-held home device can be purchased if you are only experiencing pain in a few, small areas.
  2. An infrared heating pad can be used for much larger areas.
  3. An infrared sauna can also be built at home for less than $100.
  4. As you can see, the only difference is on the area the machine can treat. With regards to effectiveness, a hand-held device is just as effective as a sauna.


We’ll be providing a set of four criteria in order to guide you in choosing your infrared home device.

Treatment Area- If you are only experiencing pain in small areas, you can go for this infrared heating lamp. You can also consider our dpl® Flex Mitt if pain is experienced in your wrist or hands.

For larger areas, we recommend this DPL Light Therapy Home Device.

Heat Emitting System– We recommend trying out smaller low-cost heat emitting systems such as LED bulbs or jade/amethyst stones.

The jade/amethyst stones, in particular, are recommended since these stones have bonus therapeutic effects in themselves. Once satisfied, you can now upgrade to the more expensive Amethyst infrared pad.

Radiation — When choosing devices, make sure that the device emits little to no radiation.

Timer — Timers are efficient since you do not need to manually time your therapy sessions.

Ultimate Recommendation : The DPL Infrared Light Therapy Home System.

Here are four reasons why we are recommending this system:

Versatility — This DPL system can be used to treat pain both in small and large areas since it uses two detachable panels. Connect the two then you can use it to treat larger areas. Detach it then you can use one panel to treat a specific area.

Additional Benefit — The DPL system mixes red and infrared light waves which can aid in treating skin problems such as scars and wounds.

Easy to Use — While undergoing the session, your hands are free into doing whatever activity you may like such as watching TV or reading a book, as mentioned earlier.

Built-in Timer — There is no need to manually check your clock in monitoring your treatment session.

Click To See How This DPL Light Therapy Device Works.

We hope that you find our suggestions and recommendation interesting.

Should you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to share your experience with the LED Light Therapy treatment, feel free to leave a comment down below.

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Originally published at on December 1, 2017.