How Eleotin Lower Blood Glucose and May even Reverse Diabetes Type 2

by Admin
15 minutes

What’s Eleotin?







ELEOTIN® is a safe health food that restores the body’s own ability to control blood glucose levels. ELEOTIN® gently helps to control blood glucose levels not only temporarily, but also results in long term permanent or semi-permanent molecular level changes. ELEOTIN® helps to regenerate the insulin receptors of muscle or liver cells. It also helps to regenerate the insulin producing ß (beta) cells in the pancreas. These two molecular level changes improve insulin production and binding, and therefore assist the body to control blood glucose levels independently. These changes, in turn, assist the body to recover glucose metabolism normalcy. ELEOTIN® usage may then be diminished or eliminated as the body restores its own ability to control blood glucose levels. Also, ELEOTIN® can lead to the reduction and possible total elimination for dependency on synthetic medication and insulin injections to control glucose levels. It is an all-natural, safe, and gentle herbal product with no harmful side effects.

Who Developed ELEOTIN®?

As shared in our headline interview with Dr. Young Soo Kim, ELEOTIN® was initially developed by the scientists at the Julia McFarlane Diabetes Research Center (JMDRC) at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The JMDRC is a leader in research on the cause, cure, and prevention of Type I and Type II diabetes. After the initial development by the JMDRC, research and development continued on by Eastwood Bio-Medical Research Inc. (EMBR) and other researchers.

Is ELEOTIN® A Food Or Drug?

ELEOTIN® is a food product that is more beneficial than existing hypoglycemic drugs .

For some people, this answer is difficult to believe. They find it difficult to believe that such a serious lethal disease can be treated more effectively with a “gentle and safe” food product when existing “super-strong” drug treatments are available. We have been conditioned to believe that synthetic pharmaceutical drugs must be better, especially if a doctor has prescribed it-since they “know best”. The correct use of a gentle food or herbal combination is much better than the use of strong, intrusive chemical drugs that can otherwise harmfully target organs. This principle is especially true for serious diseases that affect many parts of the body. It is understandable for people to believe that serious problems should be dealt with a stronger method. But, let me ask you this: when you are in an elevator, do you go to a higher floor by pushing the wrong button with more strength, or by gently pushing the right button? ELEOTIN® is like pushing the right button.

What our body needs in this case is not a strong stimulus, but proper balance. Usually, drugs trigger a powerful stimulus that have a positive short term effect. But these drugs in the long run can cause drug resistance and lead to other numerous negative side effects. Proper treatment would be one that helps all the internal organs and inner mechanisms to function better. This is achieved by gently restoring balance to a body that has lost its rhythm and its own ability to heal itself. The body can heal itself of most diseases, and in many cases the only thing we have to do is trigger this self-healing ability. In order to do this, we do not need strong chemical signals.

The same principle is true for diabetes. Overall, curative actions in our body should occur simultaneously and in harmony for successful treatment of diabetes over a long period of time. The existing drug treatments for diabetes have their limits even though they have demonstrated certain short term strengths. Diabetic drugs have an effect on only one or two metabolic processes and are unlikely to help the complex metabolism associated with diabetes as a whole. Because of their concentrated focus, chemical drugs also put a serious strain on the body due to the drug’s cumulative toxicity. They often contribute or cause permanent damage to these organs, which may be even worse than the damage caused by diabetes itself.

Natural products are far more advantageous for diabetes than chemical drugs. Chemical drugs provide only temporary glucose control, and in the long run, cause severe damage to a person’s liver and kidneys because of their concentrated and toxic chemical actions. It is strongly recommended that people use food products or herbal combinations that are gentle and safe as their first and best line of defence. ELEOTIN® offers this. The gentle, mild signalling herbs contained in ELEOTIN® often produce much more beneficial results. ELEOTIN® is the most scientifically superior herbal combination presently on the market.

What Is ELEOTIN® Made Of?

ELEOTIN® contains dried roots, stems, fruit and leaves, all from various plants. These herbal plants are all registered with pharmacopeias and food codes in several countries. In fact, all these ingredients are so safe that in many countries, these ingredients are classified as foods, not as drugs. In many countries, these are the herbs that appear on the dinner table, not unlike the way lettuce and tomatoes appear on our North American dinner tables. All these ingredients have been used for thousands of years in many countries. These herbs are 100% natural and there are no additional fillers, chemicals, or preservatives.

The ingredients for the various blends of ELEOTIN® are listed on each ELEOTIN® box or bottle. The most important ingredients are Platycodi Radix (Root), Schizandrae Fructus (Fruit), Capsella Bursa (Stem), Glycyrrhizae Radix (Root), Astragalus Membranaceus Bunge (Root), Lycium Chinese (Fruit), Dioscorea Japonica Thunberg (Root), and others. Depending on the countries where ELEOTIN® is sold, some different variations are introduced in response to the local regulatory requirements.

Why Is ELEOTIN® The Best Health Food Product For My Blood Glucose Control Problem?

There are many reasons.

The components of ELEOTIN® make it an excellent health food for everyone, even for individuals who do not have high blood glucose levels. ELEOTIN® increases the body’s own ability to purify or cleanse impurities through urination. This cleansing function also leads to the strengthening of a person’s immune system. “Cleansing” is a normal and natural mode of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). ELEOTIN® is also an excellent source of high quality fiber and provides essential nutrients to a person’s pancreas.

These reasons may already be sufficient to convince anyone that ELEOTIN® is a great health food and a “must” buy. ELEOTIN® is good for everybody whether one has diabetes or not. It is a good, safe, health promoting product. Since ELEOTIN® was designed for diabetics in mind by the world’s leading diabetes experts, diabetic patients receive additional health benefits than people without diabetes (explained in detail later) because they are in most need of the support that ELEOTIN® provides.

How Does ELEOTIN® Compare With Other Herbal Health Food Products?

The idea that it is possible to manage diabetes with components extracted from natural medicinal herbs has been widely accepted by both Asian and Western countries. There are approximately 1,500 to 2,000 natural substances that clearly have an effect on controlling blood sugar levels and diabetes. There are hundreds and hundreds of research projects currently being conducted on these natural substances. The beneficial effects of medicinal herbs are now widely accepted by even a great number of western health professionals. Up to 10 years ago or so, traditional western medicine was impervious to the idea of ‘just herbs helping diabetes.’ Now, it is a question of which herbs, or which herbal combinations. ELEOTIN® is the answer to those questions.

ELEOTIN® is a health food made of processed medicinal herbs that have a substantial benefit on restoring glucose normalcy. ELEOTIN® contains gentle restorative medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs and their extracts are combined in such a way that they mutually strengthen the curative powers of each component while diminishing the potential toxicity by way of mutual cancellation. This kind of combination approach is based on B ülgi’s Principle, which states that certain combinations of herbs exist whose total beneficial effects are synergistically larger than the sum of each herbal component’s individual beneficial effect.

Also, this superior combination effect may also reduce adverse side effects while diminishing potential toxicity. This is achievable by way of mutual cancellation. The question, according to this principle, is how to find such a combination. The same was true for ELEOTIN®’s development process. In order to find the right combination of the approximately 1,500 natural substances with known beneficial and toxic effects, there was endless testing. The current version of ELEOTIN® is the best natural food product for diabetics presently marketed. ELEOTIN® enables the body to naturally control blood glucose levels so that in the long run, the body can return to more normal blood glucose levels. In the meantime, ELEOTIN® also provides temporary relief and a gentle treatment to sufferers. Do you know that each year more than a hundred herbal diabetes products appear on the market, and most of them disappear in 6 months? ELEOTIN® was first produced in 1997 and by 2003, it has approximately 40,000 users.

Why Is ELEOTIN® Better Than Other Herbal Products?

Here is a list of reasons:

* The Scientific Developers

ELEOTIN® was scientifically developed and tested vigorously at the world renowned Julia McFarlane Diabetes Research Center at the University of Calgary. There are other universities and research institutes around the world that have tested and studied ELEOTIN®. The list of such universities and research institutions constantly grows. Many herbal products do not have clearly identifiable developers/inventors. Most herbal products rely on anecdotal evidence.

* Scientifically Tested

ELEOTIN® is verified as both safe and effective in animals and humans. These scientific tests made it possible for ELEOTIN® to be patented. Many herbal products have never been tested for their safety. ELEOTIN® was fortunate since it not only underwent thorough testing by the University of Calgary and JMDRC prior to its commercial release, but also many government institutions tested and approved the safety of ELEOTIN®. Also, renowned professional organizations such as the Nanjing Diabetes Association, the Korea Diabetes Association, the Korea Pharmacists Association, etc. concluded that ELEOTIN® was both effective and safe. Some even praise ELEOTIN® as an “ideal cure.” Quite a strong statement, isn’t it? Also, there are many medical doctors and diabetes experts who studied and wrote reports and analysis in journals and books regarding ELEOTIN®. You can read some of these reports and studies on the EBMR website at . ELEOTIN® is an amazing solution because there are no known herbal products that have been scientifically studied and professionally praised the way ELEOTIN® has been.

Another huge advantage that ELEOTIN® has over other herbal products is that the modes of action are clearly identified and scientifically supported for ELEOTIN®. In other words, the “why” and “how” of ELEOTIN® is clear, while the claims of most other herbal products are “they believe that there can be somebody that may say that this may work somehow.” Our body is too precious to be subjected to such inexplicable claims. Diabetes is too serious a disease to play with such a doubtful approach. Being an herbal product is not a license to be unscientific or irresponsible.

As far as it is known, there are no herbal diabetes products on the market that are more scientifically tested and its effects and safety are more rigorously proven than ELEOTIN®. As research and development continue to make ELEOTIN® even better, this claim can be maintained for quite a long time in the future.

* Best Herbal Combination

There are more than 1,500 herbs and herbal products that have hypoglycemic effects. As much as it is possible, there are no known herbs or herbal products other than ELEOTIN® that show a clear ability to assist in the gentle restoration of ß (beta) cells or insulin receptors. Most herbal products have “sugar lowering effects by blocking sugar from being digested. That is, they slow down the digestion process. In other words, they simply artificially induce digestion. Artificially induced indigestion can be “temporarily” relied upon for blood glucose control. But we cannot rely on it for long. “Leaky gut” problems, a lower immune systems, and so on, are just a few of potential problems when this is relied upon too long.

Other herbs stimulate secretion, often straining the already damaged pancreas. These herbs provide only temporary relief and not a long term solution. ELEOTIN®’s herbal combination provides a long term solution along with short term benefits.

As you continue to read, you will discover that there are numerous other reasons why ELEOTIN® is the best herbal treatment available. Hopefully, you are now a little closer towards seeing many other advantages of ELEOTIN® for yourself.

How Does ELEOTIN® Differ From Asian Herbal Medicine?

People often ask us whether ELEOTIN® is Kanpoyaku-an Asian Herbal Medicine, or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In fact, ELEOTIN® and Asian Herbal Medicines are based on a similar methodology and similar philosophy. They both try to restore the body’s own capability to heal, rather than chemically overpower the symptoms. They both try to work on the root of the problems rather than the symptoms. They both selectively adopt the most appropriate signals that will promote general health and natural healing.

Most traditional Asian herbal restoratives have a profound association with diuresis. ELEOTIN® and Asian medicinal herbs are similar in this regard too. It is found that diuretic functions are strengthened both by ELEOTIN® and TCM. In addition, when ELEOTIN® is in tea form, they are similar in terms of appearance and intake methods. As well, both emphasize the importance of giving a gentle and mild stimulus to the body, instead of delivering intrusive stimuli, which often creates permanent damage. So in many respects, ELEOTIN® and TCM are very similar. It is no wonder that ELEOTIN® was accepted in Asia first.

However, ELEOTIN® is different form Kanpoyaku, or TCM, in a number of ways. ELEOTIN® has been developed through Western style scientific analyses, such as animal and clinical tests, pharmacological studies, and toxicological studies. TCM relies on traditions and personal experiences. While ELEOTIN®’s modes of action are ascertained and proven, most Asian Herbal Medicines modes of action are still yet to be found. For ELEOTIN®, scientists have identified important modes of actions, making it possible to use ELEOTIN® safely in conjunction with conventional pharmaceutical drugs. It can sometimes be dangerous to use TCM that have unknown modes of action at the same time as conventional pharmaceutical drugs.

Also, Asian Herbal Medicines usually try to promote the body’s health in general, but ELEOTIN® focuses more on the process relevant to diabetes. As a result, the effects of Kanpoyaku on diabetes is often evasive, while ELEOTIN®’s gentle effects on diabetes are clear and well defined. Furthermore, the ingredients for TCM are often contaminated with herbicides and other toxic chemicals, whereas ELEOTIN® is produced with natural ingredients that are rigorously screened for safety.

It is worth knowing that in a few countries, some governments treat and classify ELEOTIN® as TCM. Some governments classify ELEOTIN® as something similar to Lui Wei Di Huang Wan, or Six Flavor Tea. With tremendous respect towards Asian Herbal Medicines, so far as diabetes and metabolic disorder are concerned, ELEOTIN® provides more clearly defined benefits.